Data links for students

Links to financial data

1. Wharton Research Data Services WRDS (can also accesss via NCSU Library)

2. Links to finance and accounting databases via NCSU Library

3. Latest market data from the Wall Street Journal

4. Economic data from the FRED database, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank

5. Bank data from FFIEC

6. Bond data from FINRA

7. Macroeconomic forecasts from Survey of Professional Forecasters, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

8. Useful data from Damodaran's website at NYU (NICE!)
-- Click on data, current data.
-- Estimates of equity risk premiums and levered/unlevered betas are under "Discount Rate Estimation"
-- Estimates of ratings/spreads/ICR are under "Capital Structure"
-- Valuation multiples (P/S, EV/S, etc.) are under "Multiples"
-- For valuation spreadsheets, click on "Tools" at the top of the page, then look for link to spreadsheets